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Headword: *lopa/s
Adler number: lambda,674
Translated headword: griddle, hotplate
Vetting Status: high
Among Syracusans [sc. this word means] a frying-pan;[1] but in Theopompus a coffin/funerary urn, and [sc. likewise] in the Comics.[2] This is also a name for the stone found in Greece.[3]
Aristophanes [writes]: "so personally I would not even accept bird's milk in compensation for the life you are now depriving me of. Nor do I enjoy mullet or eels, but would rather eat a little lawsuit cooked in a frying-pan."[4]
Greek Original:
*lopa/s: para\ *surakousi/ois to\ th/ganon: para\ de\ *qeopo/mpw| h( soro/s, kai\ para\ toi=s kwmikoi=s. kalei=tai de\ ou(/tw kai\ o( e)n th=| *(ella/di gino/menos li/qos. *)aristofa/nhs: e)gw\ me\n ou)=n a)\n o)rni/qwn ga/la a)nti\ bi/ou la/boim' a)/n, ou(= me nu=n a)posterei=s. ou)de\ xai/rw bati/sin ou)d' e)gxe/lusin, a)ll' h(/dion a)\n diki/dion mikro\n fa/goim' a)\n e)n lopa/di pepnigme/non.
[1] Plato Comicus fr. 109 Kock (LSJ s.v. I.2), and Glossarium Italioticum 33 Kassel-Austin; but Plato distinguishes the lopa/s and the th/ganon (tau 466) as different kinds of frying pan: "and a lopa/s is not bad; but a th/ganon is better".
[2] See generally LSJ s.v. II. The phraseology here seems to imply that 'Theopompus' is not one of the Comics but the Chian historian of that name, theta 172; however, Jacoby put it in the 'dubious' category (FGrH 115 F408) and in general orthodoxy does attribute it to Th. the comic poet (theta 171), as fr. 92 Kock. Photius, Lexicon lambda399 Theodoridis has 'Theopompus' use lopa/s to mean, as transmitted, "goddess" (th\n qeo/n), but Meineke realised the need to emend there to th\n soro/n "funerary urn".
[3] For other senses still, see LSJ: a serving plate (I.1.a), a dish in dining (I.1.b), an olive disease (III), a shell-fish (IV). The Suda's selection is closely paralleled in Hesychius lambda1262 (where "Greece" is the crux alladh).
[4] Aristophanes, Wasps 508-511; cf. omicron 818.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; imagery; law
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 23 June 2009@06:59:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 June 2009@08:32:14.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 22 April 2013@03:47:15.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 21 December 2014@10:46:18.
David Whitehead (coding) on 17 May 2016@04:13:30.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 14 June 2020@00:52:33.


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