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Headword: *logoto/pos
Adler number: lambda,659
Translated headword: summary syllogism
Vetting Status: high
Among philosophers [a summary syllogism][1] [is] a combination of both,[2] as for example in "if Plato is alive, Plato is breathing; but the first [is true], therefore the second [is true]". The summary syllogism was introduced in order that, when dealing with long and complex arguments, we should no longer have to state the minor premiss -- [if] a long one -- and the conclusion, but could proceed summarily: "but the first, so the second".
Greek Original:
*logoto/pos: para\ filoso/fois to\ e)c a)mfote/rwn su/nqeton: oi(=on, ei) zh=| *pla/twn, a)napnei= *pla/twn. a)lla\ mh\n to\ prw=ton: to\ a)/ra deu/teron. pareish/xqh de\ o( logoto/pos u(pe\r tou= e)n tai=s makrote/rais sunta/cesi tw=n lo/gwn mhke/ti th\n su/llhyin makra\n ou)=san kai\ th\n e)pifora\n le/gein, a)lla\ sunto/mws e)penegkei=n, to\ de\ prw=ton: to\ a)/ra deu/teron.
From Diogenes Laertius 7.77, presenting the terminology of the Stoic philosopher Crinis (C2 BCE). Cf. tau 1055.
[1] The headword, transmitted as logoto/pos, should actually be logotro/pos.
[2] Both lo/gos and tro/pos, previously defined by D.L. (7.76).
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 September 2001@05:26:43.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 21 November 2003@16:29:03.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 23 November 2003@04:39:41.
David Whitehead on 21 April 2013@08:59:37.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 22 April 2013@01:19:01.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 15 October 2022@00:46:36.


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