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Search results for lambda,658 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,658
Translated headword: discourse; language
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Discourse is a meaningful uttered sound[1] deriving from thought. It has 6 meanings. Expression and discourse are different; for an expression can be meaningless, like
bli/turi,[2] while discourse can in no way be meaningless. Saying, too, differs from uttering; for sounds are uttered but states of affairs (
pra/gmata), which indeed are sayables, are spoken of.[3] The best characteristics of discourse [are] 5: Hellenism, clarity, brevity, propriety, consistency.[4]
The hypothesis is a
logos too.
Aristophanes [writes]: "provide
Euripides with a plot, and it becomes a tragedy".[5]
Search for
Chrysippus' "abominable discourses" in the "
Chrysippus" [entry].[6]
Greek Original:*lo/gos: lo/gos e)sti\ fwnh\ shmantikh\ a)po\ dianoi/as e)kpempome/nh. lo/gos de\ shmai/nei #2#. diafe/rei de\ le/cis kai\ lo/gos: le/cis me\n ga\r a)/shmos gi/netai w(s bli/turi, lo/gos de\ ou)damw=s. diafe/rei de\ kai\ to\ le/gein tou= profe/resqai: profe/rontai me\n ga\r ai( fwnai/, le/getai de\ ta\ pra/gmata, a(\ dh\ kai\ lekta\ tugxa/nei. a)retai\ de\ tou= lo/gou e#: *(ellhnismo/s, safh/neia, suntomi/a, pre/pon, a)poskeuh/. *lo/gos kai\ h( u(po/qesis. *)aristofa/nhs: *eu)ripi/dh| lo/gon para/sxh|s, kai\ tragw|di/a ge/nh|. zh/tei lo/gous a)porrh/tous *xrusi/ppou e)n tw=| *xrusi/ppos.
Diogenes Laertius 7.56-59, with addenda.
[1] This definition is Aristotelian (
On Interpretation 16b26).
[2] cf.
beta 335.
[3] These lines reproduce Diog.Laert. 7.57 in a slightly different way and their content is Stoic.
[4] See Diog.Laert. 7.59 (=
SVF 3.24). By "Hellenism" is meant the use of good Greek style and diction which is in accordance with grammar; clarity is an expression (
le/cis) easily understandable; brevity is a speech which includes no more words than are necessary for the sake of clarification of the thing under discussion; propriety is a speech which is appropriate to the thing under discussion. With regard to the last type of excellence of discourse, there must be a mistake in the Suda text. The Diog.Laert. passage reads
kataskeuh/, "correct style" or "elaboration", which has the right sense. In fact,
a)poskeuh/ ("filth" or "ordure") does not fit the meaning of a specific excellence of discourse unless it is taken with its meaning of "stuff, things that fill in". On these "best qualities of discourse", see Atherton (1993) 89-92.
Peace 146-147, with comment from the
scholia there. "Plot" is the conventional translation of
logos in dramatic contexts, i.e. the main story in the narrative or drama.
chi 569.
C. Atherton, The Stoics on Ambiguity (Cambridge 1993)
B. Mates, Stoic Logic (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1961)
M. Mignucci, Il significato della logica stoica (Bologna 1967)
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; proverbs; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 15 December 1999@08:48:49.
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