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Search results for lambda,651 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,651
Translated headword: reckoners
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Reckoners] and reckoning-houses. The reckoners [are] holders of a particular official position in
Athens. They are ten in number; they reckon up the accounts of governmental activity within thirty days of the officials laying down their posts. Reckoning-houses are the offices of the reckoners, as
Dinarchus and
Andocides show.[1]
Greek Original:*logistai\ kai\ *logisth/ria: a)rxh/ tis par' *)aqhnai/ois oi( logistai/. ei)si\ de\ to\n a)riqmo\n i#: oi( ta\s eu)qu/nas tw=n diw|khme/nwn e)klogi/zontai e)n h(me/rais l#, o(/tan ta\s a)rxa\s a)po/qwntai oi( a)/rxontes. logisth/ria de/ e)sti ta\ tw=n logistw=n a)rxei=a, w(s *dei/narxos kai\ *)andoki/dhs dhlou=si.
Keywords: comedy; constitution; definition; economics; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 December 2000@10:19:26.
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