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Adler number: lambda,645
Translated headword: Longinus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Longinus,
Cassius.[1] Philosopher. Teacher of the philosopher
Porphyry;[2] a polymath and critic. He lived in the time of the Caesar Aurelian, and was executed by him for having conspired with Zenobia, the wife of Odymnathus.[3] He wrote:
On the Natural Life;[4]
Difficulties in Homer;
Whether Homer is a Philosopher;
Homeric Problems and Solutions (2 books);
Things Contrary to History which the Grammarians Explain as Historical;
On Words in Homer with Multiple Senses (4 books); two publications on
Attic diction (they are arranged alphabetically);
Lexicon of Antimachus and Heracleon; and many other works.
Greek Original:*loggi=nos, o( *ka/ssios, filo/sofos, dida/skalos *porfuri/ou tou= filoso/fou, polumaqh\s kai\ kritiko\s geno/menos. h)=n de\ e)pi\ *au)rhlianou= tou= *kai/saros kai\ a)nh|re/qh u(p' au)tou=, w(s su/mpnous *zhnobi/a| th=| *)odumna/qou gunaiki/. e)/graye *peri\ tou= kata\ fu/sin bi/ou, *)aporh/mata *(omhrika/, *ei) filo/sofos *(/omhros, *problh/mata *(omh/rou kai\ lu/seis e)n bibli/ois b#, *ti/na para\ ta\s i(stori/as oi( grammatikoi\ w(s i(storika\ e)chgou=ntai, *peri\ tw=n par' *(omh/rw| polla\ shmainousw=n le/cewn d#, *)attikw=n le/cewn e)kdo/seis b#, ei)si\ de\ kata\ stoixei=on, *le/ceis *)antima/xou kai\ *(hrakle/wnos: kai\ a)/lla polla/.
[1] RE Longinos; OCD4
Cassius Longinus; PLRE I
Longinus (2);
Eunapius Lives of the Sophists 456; and cf. [
phi 735]
[2] [
pi 2098]
[3] Zenobia was the queen of Palmyra who rebelled against Rome after the death of her husband Odaenathus; cf. under
alpha 4458.
[4] The transmitted text (
peri\ tou= kata\ fubi/ou) is corrupt, and the conjecture
peri\ tou= kata\ fu/sin bi/ou is uncertain.
L. Brisson and M. Patillon, 'Longinus Platonicus Philosophus et Philologus, I. Longinus Philosophus', ANRW II 36.7 (1994) 5214-99
L. Brisson and M. Patillon, 'Longinus Platonicus Philosophus et Philologus, II. Longinus Philologus', ANRW II 34.4 (1998) 3023-3108
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 11 June 2002@22:40:16.
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