[Meaning] select.[1]
Thucydides [writes]: "not having stone-working tools of iron but carrying stones picked, they fitted each one at random."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'picked stones'. "Created from picked stones, that is from cheap and small ones."[3]
*loga/dhn: e)pile/ktws. *qoukudi/dhs: sidh/ria liqourgika\ ou)k e)/xontes, loga/dhn fe/rontes tou\s li/qous cuneti/qesan, w(s e(/kasto/n ti cumbai/noi. kai\ *loga/des li/qoi. e)k loga/dwn li/qwn e)ktisme/nos. toute/sti tw=n eu)telw=n kai\ mikrw=n.
[1] Likewise in other lexica: see the references at
Photius lambda371 Theodoridis. Both headword and gloss are actually adverbs, but English equivalents are not easy to think of. In any case the headword in contexts like the ones quoted here (for a different one see
Otho 6.4, of picked troops) implied not a choice of the best but resort to what could,
faute de mieux, be picked up and put to use.
Thucydides 4.4.2 (web address 1), on the construction of the fort at
Pylos. See also 4.31.2, 6.66.2 (web addresses 2 and 3).
[3] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 5.1.11.
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