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Search results for lambda,575 in Adler number:
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Headword: *lipara/
Adler number: lambda,575
Translated headword: oily, sleek
Vetting Status: high
[Referring to] the anchovy.[1] Aristophanes [writes]: "if anyone, having flattered you, should call Athens 'oily,' he would obtain the whole thing [...] having attached [to you] the honor of anchovies."[2] And elsewhere: "the matter of the city is oily." That is, rich.[3]
Greek Original:
*lipara/: h( a)fu/h. *)aristofa/nhs: ei) tis u(ma=s u(poqwpeu/sas lipara\s kale/seie ta\s *)aqh/nas, eu(=re to\ pa=n a)/n, a)fu/wn timh\n peria/yas. kai\ au)=qis: liparo\n to\ xrh=ma th=s po/lews. toute/sti plousi/a.
[1] alpha 4660.
[2] An approximation (and abbreviation) of Aristophanes, Acharnians 639-640, with scholia (already at theta 433). Alluding to the lines of Pindar (fr. 76), *)=w tai\ liparai\ kai\ i)oste/fanoi kai\ a)oi/dimoi, *(ella/dos e)/reisma, kleinai\ *)aqa=nai, daimo/nion ptoli/eqron.
[3] Aristophanes, Birds 826, with scholia. "The matter of the city" is an idiomatic periphrasis for, simply, "the city": see generally LSJ s.v. xrh=ma, II.3.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; food; geography; imagery; zoology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 3 June 2009@22:32:40.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded n.3; more keywords; cosmetics) on 4 June 2009@05:20:36.
David Whitehead on 19 April 2013@06:22:11.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 2 June 2020@01:35:02.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 2 June 2020@01:40:01.


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