*laki/smata melw=n: ta\ tw=n sarkw=n a)posxi/smata. kai\ au)=qis: ei)=ta oi( *tou=rkoi perie/feron to\ fullw=des tou= *liba/nou th=| flogi\ lakizo/menon.
For the first of the headword phrase's two nouns see already
lambda 56 (singular there, plural here; likewise the glosses -- a Greek idiom inappropriate in English).
[1] The headword phrase appears twice in the writings of Gregory of Nazianzus: in the
Carmina moralia, and (with definite articles) in speech 15
In praise of the Macabees (PG 35, 925.23).
Menander Protector fr. 20 FHG (4.227b), from his lost
De legationibus Romanorum ad gentes, fr.10.3 quoted
in extenso by Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
De legationibus, 193.7. The historian gives an account of a Byzantine embassy sent by the Emperor Justin to Sogdiana in 569-571 and led by the
Magister Militum per Orientem Zermarchus. A group of Turkish shamans are exorcising the legates. See Blockley’s note 128 to the passage, p.264. For frankincense see generally
lambda 489.
R.C. Blockley, ed. The History of Menander the Guardsman. ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs, 1985.
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