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Search results for lambda,523 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,523
Translated headword: [the] stone
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Konon [writes]: "leading to the stone one by one, like this, our witnesses who were present and putting them on oath".[1] So Athenians seem to have made oaths at a particular stone, as
Aristotle and
Philochorus show.[2]
Greek Original:*li/qos: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *ko/nwnos: tw=n te paro/ntwn kaq' e(/na h(mw=n ou(twsi\ pro\s to\n li/qon a)/gontes kai\ e)corkou=ntes. e)oi/kasin ou)=n *)aqhnai=oi pro/s tini li/qw| tou\s o(/rkous poiei=sqai, w(s *)aristote/lhs kai\ *filo/xoros u(podhlou=si.
Abridged from Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v.
J.M. Camp,
The Athenian Agora (London 1986) 101-102 with fig. 75.
Demosthenes 54.26 (web address 1).
[2] ?
Athenaion Politeia 7.1 and 55.5;
Philochorus FGrH 328 F21.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; daily life; geography; historiography; history; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 December 2000@09:06:54.
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