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Search results for lambda,509 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ligufqo/ggois
Adler number: lambda,509
Translated headword: clear-voiced
Vetting Status: high
Meaning [by] sweet-voiced [ones].[1]
"No longer with clear-voiced wings will you sing, locust, sitting in fruitful furrows."[2]
Greek Original:
*ligufqo/ggois: a)nti\ tou= h(dufw/nois. ou)ke/ti dh\ pteru/gessi ligufqo/ggoisin a)ei/seis, a)kri/, kat' eu)ka/rpous au)/lakas e(zome/na.
[1] cf. the scholia to Homer, Iliad 2.50, where this dative plural occurs (of heralds).
[2] Greek Anthology 7.192.1-2 (Mnasalces), on an a)kri/s that has died; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 143), (vol. II, 408), and another extract from this epigram at xi 79. This singing insect is typically identified as a locust (e.g. Paton (108-109)), but, as Gow and Page observe (vol. II, 408), locusts do not make music with their wings (as do crickets and long-horned grasshoppers), but by scraping the hind femur against their wing-case; cf. xi 79.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge 1965)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge 1965)
W.R. Paton, trans., The Greek Anthology: Books VII-VIII, (Cambridge, MA 1993)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; imagery; meter and music; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 3 June 2009@22:13:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 4 June 2009@04:12:18.
David Whitehead on 18 April 2013@08:29:33.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 30 May 2020@01:10:54.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 8 November 2020@16:28:32.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography, added keyword) on 6 January 2022@13:56:16.
Ronald Allen (added cross-reference n.2) on 7 January 2022@15:05:55.


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