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Headword: *liba/nios
Adler number: lambda,486
Translated headword: Libanius, Libanios
Vetting Status: high
Sophist, of Antioch, in the time of the emperor Julian and down to the elder Theodosius. His father was Phasganius; he was a pupil of Diophantus.[1] His innumerable writings include an Encomium to the emperor Constantius; another [encomium] to Julian; rhetorical declamations; and letters. This man was a contemporary of Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian.[2]
Julian the Apostate,[3] despite being engaged in such important matters, was reaching for distinction in rhetoric. He expressed especial admiration for the sophist of Antioch, named Libanius - partly, perhaps, in genuine praise of him, but also to cause distress to the great sophist Prohaeresius by giving someone else more honour.[4] At any rate, a certain Acacius,[5] someone who was eloquent in rhetoric, and Tuscianus of Phrygia, constantly criticised him for this and found fault with his judgments.[6]
Greek Original:
*liba/nios, sofisth/s, *)antioxeu/s, tw=n e)pi\ *)ioulianou= tou= basile/ws xro/nwn kai\ me/xri *qeodosi/ou tou= presbu/tou, *fasgani/ou patro/s, maqhth=s *diofa/ntou. e)/grayen a)/peira: e)n oi(=s *)egkw/mion ei)s *kwnsta/ntion to\n basile/a, e(/teron ei)s *)iouliano/n, *mele/tas r(htorika/s, kai\ e)pistola/s. ou(=tos e)pi\ tw=n xro/nwn h)=n *basilei/ou tou= mega/lou kai\ *grhgori/ou tou= qeolo/gou. o( de\ *)iouliano\s o( *paraba/ths kai/per tosou/tois e)mbebhkw\s th=s te peri\ lo/gous h(/pteto filotimi/as kai\ to\n th=s *)antioxei/as sofisth/n, w(=| *liba/nios o)/noma, diafero/ntws e)qau/mase, ta\ me\n i)/sws e)painw=n, ta\ de/, o(/pws lupoi/h to\n me/gan sofisth\n *proaire/sion, protimw=n e(/teron. *)aka/kios gou=n tis au)tw=| tw=n peri\ r(htorikh\n deinw=n kai\ o( e)k *frugi/as *touskiano\s a)ei\ pro\s tau=ta e)peka/loun kai\ dieme/mfonto ta\s kri/seis.
C4 AD. See generally RE Libanios; OCD4 Libanius; PLRE I Libanius; Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists 495-6.
[1] RE Diophantos(10); PLRE II Diophantus(1).
[2] [beta 150] Basil of Caesarea; [gamma 450] Gregory of Nazianzus.
[3] [iota 437] Julian. This section of the entry has been identified as Eunapius fr. 25 FHG (4.24), Blockley, Eunapius fr.26.[2], though Bernhardy rejected the attribution.
[4] [pi 2375] Prohaeresius.
[5] [alpha 784] Acacius.
[6] [tau 835] Tuscianus.
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
A.F. Norman, Libanius' Autobiography (Oxford 1965)
B. Schouler, La tradition hellénique chez Libanius (Paris 1984)
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 February 2000@15:51:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 25 May 2001@06:17:57.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 9 February 2003@10:37:06.
Catharine Roth (expanded note 3, added keyword) on 3 November 2008@01:11:41.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 18 April 2013@07:06:04.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@07:31:41.
Aaron Baker (Modified translation; added Blockley citation.) on 28 September 2014@17:48:42.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 September 2014@19:54:02.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 26 May 2020@01:03:03.
Catharine Roth (more coding) on 27 May 2020@18:46:22.


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