*lh=ros: flu/aros, mataio/fhmos. polla\ ga/r moi tau=ta kai\ e)k meiraki/wn e)do/kei lh=roi/ te kai\ flh/nafoi.
[1] Likewise in
Photius lambda281 Theodoridis, and similarly elsewhere. The headword
lh=ros, again as
lambda 470, can be either noun or adjective (see LSJ s.v.); the present glossing treats it as an adjective, but in
Aelian (see next note) it is used as the noun "trifles, babble". The word
mataio/fhmos occurs elsewhere only in Michael Syncellus (C8-9),
Encomium in sanctum Isacium et Dalmatum 26.
Aelian fr. 30 Domingo-Forasté (27 Hercher), quoted rather differently at
chi 480. See also
theta 472.
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