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Search results for lambda,463 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,463
Translated headword: lexiarchic register, deme register
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. The one] into which were inscribed [sc. the names of] those [sc. Athenians] who had left boyhood behind and were now permitted to manage their inherited property; which is how the name came about, from controlling [archein] lexeis; lexeis are both estates and properties.
Lexis [is] the complaint in accordance with which we make a statement and are allocated a lawsuit.
Greek Original:*lhciarxiko\n grammatei=on: ei)s o(\ e)negra/fonto oi( telewqe/ntes tw=n pai/dwn, oi(=s e)ch=n ta\ patrw=|a oi)konomei=n. paro\ kai\ tou)/noma ge/gone, dia\ to\ tw=n lh/cewn a)/rxein. lh/ceis de/ ei)sin oi(/ te klh=roi kai\ ai( ou)si/ai. *lh=cis, to\ e)/gklhma, kaq' oi(=on lo/gon fame\n kai\ laxei=n di/khn.
See already
lambda 462 (also
kappa 2559). The present entry is abridged from two contiguous ones in Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Aeschines 1.18 (and
Dinarchus fr. LVI.2 Conomis) and
Isaeus fr. 14 Sauppe respectively.
Keywords: children; constitution; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; geography; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 September 2001@04:09:32.
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