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Search results for lambda,441 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,441
Translated headword: will
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Worth and courage. Spirit, profit.[1]
"For this child brings such will to light."[2]
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "he has a will which is not cowardly."[3] That is, daring. And elsewhere: "wild will."[4] That is, warlike thought. And elsewhere: "[she] has displayed another thought even more refined than the first!"[5] And elsewhere: "I will show myself courageous in will and watching oregano."[6] Meaning watching sharply.
Herodotus [writes]: "Artemisia went out with the army with will and courage, without any compulsion."[7]
Aristophanes writes] regarding
Euripides and
Aeschylus: "both had courage which was not cowardly, minds not idle. One should expect
Euripides on the one hand to say something refined and polished; and on the other
Aeschylus, on the attack, to toss up great dust clouds of words, pulling up speeches root and branch."[8]
The [word]
lh=mma written with two mus [means] "propositions" in
Aristotle, which is to say, "inquiry." Inquiry is the cause of answering, which is that from which comes a syllogism; which is also called
lh=mma. And [here is an example of] the proposition of a one-premise [syllogism]: for example, you breathe; therefore, you are alive. For what is omitted is clear: whatever breathes lives. Enthymemes are also similar, [such as] "they are worthy of punishment, for they are temple-robbers." What is omitted is that "those who are temple-robbers are worthy of punishment."[9]
Greek Original:*lh=ma: a)ci/a kai\ a)ndrei/a. fro/nhma, ke/rdos. toiou=ton ga\r o( pai=s o(/de lh=ma faei/nei. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: lh=ma me\n pa/resti tw=|de/ g' ou)k a)/tolmon. toute/sti tolmhro/n. kai\ au)=qis: lh=ma qou/rion. toute/sti fro/nhma polemiko/n. kai\ au)=qis: e(/teron au)= ti lh=ma tou=to komyo/teron e)/t', h)\ to\ pro/teron a)nape/fhne. kai\ au)=qis: pare/com' au)to\n a)ndrei=on to\ lh=ma kai\ ble/pont' o)ri/ganon. a)nti\ tou= ble/ponta drimu/. *(hro/dotos: h( de\ *)artemisi/a u(po\ lh/matos kai\ a)ndrhi/+hs e)strateu/eto, ou)demih=s e)ou/shs a)nagkai/hs. peri\ de\ *eu)ripi/dou kai\ *ai)sxu/lou: lh=ma d' ou)k a)/tolmon a)mfoi=n, ou)d' a)ki/nhtoi fre/nes. prosdoka=n ou)=n ei)ko/s e)sti, to\n me\n *eu)ripi/dhn a)stei=o/n ti le/cai kai\ katerrinhme/non: *ai)sxu/lon to\n d' a)naspw=nt' au)topre/mnois toi=s lo/gois e)mpeso/nta suskeda=n polla\s a)lindh/qras e)pw=n. to\ de\ dia\ tw=n du/o mm grafo/menon lh=mma, ai( prota/seis para\ *)aristote/lei, toute/stin h( e)rw/thsis. h( ga\r e)rw/thsis ai)ti/a th=s a)pokri/sews, h(/tis e)sti/n, e)c h(=s o( sullogismo/s: h(\n kai\ lh=mma le/gousi. kai\ monolh/mmatos pro/tasis: oi(=on, a)napnei=s: zh=|s a)/ra. pro/dhlon ga\r to\ paraleleimme/non, to/, pa=n to\ a)napne/on zh=|. toiau=ta/ ei)si kai\ ta\ e)nqumh/mata, ou(=toi kola/sews a)/cioi: i(ero/suloi ga/r. parei=tai ga\r to/, tou\s i(erosu/lous a)ci/ous ei)=nai kola/sews.
lambda 445. This entry mostly succeeds in distinguishing
lh=ma and
lambda 443 does less well.
[1] Same glossing, variously, in other lexica (and
scholia). The gloss
ke/rdos is more appropriate to
lh=mma: see LSJ s.v.
[2] Quotation not identified by Adler:
Hecale fr. 345 Pfeiffer.
Clouds 457-8, with scholion.
Knights 757, with scholion; cf.
theta 419.
Thesmophoriazusae 458-60.
Frogs 602-3, with scholion. Modern texts generally have "
pare/cw 'mauto\n."
Herodotus 7.99.1 (abbreviated).
Frogs 899-904; cf.
alpha 1233,
alpha 4234,
alpha 4516,
kappa 981. The lexicographer has inserted the names of
Aeschylus and
Euripides into the quotation.
[9] The discussion of
lh/mmata is taken from Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topics 23.21, 36.18-9, 574.12-15.
Keywords: botany; children; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; law; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; politics; tragedy; women
Translated by: Matthew Farmer on 6 March 2008@15:53:17.
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