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Search results for lambda,438 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,438
Translated headword: lekythos, oil-flask
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Attic writers call an alabastron for perfume a lekythos [sc. feminine]; but
Herodotus used the masculine gender for the alabastron.[1]
[These are] the oil-holding vessels.
Aristophanes in
Wealth [writes]: "the lekythoi are full of myrrh."[2] And elsewhere: "there is no oil in the lekythos." Meaning we do not pity, we are not persuaded. [So says]
Aristophanes in
Zeno of Citium[4] made a hollow lid for his lekythos and carried about a coin [in it], a handy payment for necessities, so that [Krates] would have [it].[5]
Greek Original:*lh/kuqon th\n tou= mu/rou *)attikoi\ kalou=sin a)la/bastron: a)rsenikw=s de\ to\n a)la/bastron ei)=pen *(hro/dotos. ta\ e)laiodo/xa a)ggei=a. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: ai( de\ lh/kuqoi mu/rou ge/mousi. kai\ au)=qis: e)/laion ou)k e)/nestin e)n tw=| lhku/qw|. a)nti\ tou= ou)k e)leou=men, ou) peiqo/meqa. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi. *zh/nwn o( *kitieu\s poih/sas koi=lon e)pi/qema th=| lhku/qw| perie/fere no/misma, lu/sin e(/toimon tw=n a)nagkai/wn, i(/n' e)/xoi kra/tos.
See also
alpha 1050,
alpha 1051,
lambda 439,
mu 1449,
mu 1450,
mu 1452.
[1] Likewise in
Photius lambda255 Theodoridis;
Herodotus 3.20.1.
Plutus 810 (web address 1).
Birds 1592 (web address 2).
[4] The founder of Stoicism; see generally
zeta 79.
[5] (Mis)quoted from
Diogenes Laertius 7.12:
poih/sas de/ pote koi=lon e)pi/qhma th=| lhku/qw| perie/fere no/misma, lu/sin e(toi/mhn tw=n a)nagkai/wn i(/n' e)/xoi *kra/ths o( dida/skalos. fasi\ d' au)to\n u(pe\r xi/lia ta/lanta e)/xonta e)lqei=n ei)s th\n *(ella/da kai\ tau=ta danei/zein nautikw=s.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; philosophy; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Cynthia Shiroma on 1 February 2004@10:21:14.
Vetted by:Ross Scaife ✝ (modified translation, added notes) on 1 February 2004@14:58:59.
Ross Scaife ✝ (Added Greek to note 4 from D.L.) on 1 February 2004@17:30:02.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, link, keywords, status) on 1 February 2004@19:52:09.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 2 February 2004@02:58:13.
David Whitehead (modified translation at one point; more x-refs) on 2 February 2004@03:58:59.
Catharine Roth (minor cosmetics) on 2 February 2004@14:45:36.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 18 April 2013@04:14:17.
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