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Search results for lambda,437 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,437
Translated headword: hollow-voiced declaimer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a man with a small voice. Thus
Sophocles [uses the word].[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related noun]
lhkuqismo/s ["hollow speaking"].[2]
"To publish with well-twisted and modulated [speech] the hollow declamation of shameful and laughable songs."[3] That is, the excellent voice.
Greek Original:*lhkuqisth/s: o( mikro/fwnos. ou(/tws *sofoklh=s. kai\ *lhkuqismo/s. perienegkei=n eu)stro/fws kai\ keklasme/nws to\n lhkuqismo\n tw=n ai)sxrw=n kai\ geloi/wn a)|sma/twn. toute/sti th\n eu)fwni/an.
Sophocles fr. 1063 (contextless). Also in
Photius lambda257 Theodoridis (and similarly in
Hesychius lambda856); and cf.
lambda 440.
[2] Very rare: other than in the quotation which follows here, attested only in
Moralia [
That it is not possible to live pleasantly according to Epicurus] 1086E; accusative plural.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; medicine; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 April 2009@17:25:57.
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