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Search results for lambda,414 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,414
Translated headword: forgetfulness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "But he used to copy out very accurately the interpreters of divine [lore], for the old age of forgetfulness, as
Plato said,[1] leaving commentaries for himself and storing up treasures."
Greek Original:*lh/qh. o( de\ tou\s qei/ous e)chghta\s a)pegra/feto ma/la a)kribw=s, ei)s to\ th=s lh/qhs gh=ras, w(s e)/fh o( *pla/twn, u(pomnh/mata katalei/pwn e(autw=| kai\ a)poqhsaurizo/menos.
Life of Isidore fr. 242 Zintzen (146 Asmus), cf.
Bibliotheca 345b 38-40.
For the headword, here unglossed, see also
lambda 413,
lambda 415.
Phaedrus 276D:
ei)s to\ lh/qhs gh=ras e)a\n i(/khtai.
Keywords: biography; daily life; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 March 2009@01:01:44.
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