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Headword: *leipostra/tion
Adler number: lambda,389
Translated headword: army-abandoning, lipostration
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] unwillingness to serve on campaign.
Also [sc. attested is] leipostratios, [meaning] one who is abandoning the army.
Greek Original:
*leipostra/tion: to\ mh\ e)qe/lein strateu/esqai. kai\ *leipostra/tios, o( th\n stratia\n katalimpa/nwn.
L(e)ipostration was a military offense under Athenian law prosecuted by a graphe lipostratiou (Pollux 6.151, 8.40; scholion to Thucydides 6.91.7). The clause to\ mh\ e)qe/lein strateu/esqai is ambiguous, since it could refer either to the offense of desertion or to the refusal of a soldier to appear for military service. The latter half of the entry in the Suda clearly suggests that lipostration was desertion, and this is also the most likely conclusion to be drawn from a scholion to Aristophanes, Knights 226, which reports that on some occasion Kleon (kappa 1731) accused the cavalry of lipostration. (For discussion of the scholion see Spence [1993], pp. 213-214, and Fornara [1973], p. 24.) That Thucydides' reference to lipostration at 1.99.1 (cf. 6.76.3) referred rather to a refusal to muster has been suggested, however, by Dover (1965), p. 81, and in Gomme, Andrewes, and Dover (1970), p. 350.
In addition to the primary sources mentioned above, see also: Herodotus 5.27.2; Hesychius lambda 1104 (s.v. lipostrati/h); Lexica Segueriana 276.33; and a scholion to Thucydides 1.99.1. See further Hamel (below).
Dover, K.J.(ed.) 1965: Thucydides Book VI. Oxford
Fornara, Charles W. 1973: "Cleon's Attack Against the Cavalry", Classical Quarterly 23, 24
Gomme, A.W., Andrewes, A, and Dover, K.J. 1970: A Historical Commentary on Thucydides. vol. 4. Oxford
Hamel, D. 1998 [2000]: "Coming to terms with lipotaxion", GRBS 39, 361-405, esp.399-401
Martin, A. 1877-1919: "Liponautiou Graphe, Lipostratiou Graphe, Lipotaxiou Graphe". In Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines. Edd. C. Daremberg and M. Edmond Saglio. Paris
Rosenberg, Emil. 1876: "Über das attische militärstrafgesetz". Philologus 34, 65-73
Spence, I.G. 1993: The Cavalry of Classical Greece. Oxford
Thalheim, Th.: "*liponauti/ou grafh/ und lipostrati/ou grafh/". RE coll. 722-723
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; law; military affairs
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 13 July 1999@23:26:06.
Vetted by:
David Mirhady on 4 January 2000@16:54:12.
David Whitehead (updated bibliography; cosmetics) on 22 January 2001@04:49:41.
David Whitehead (restorative and other cosmetics) on 15 June 2007@03:46:22.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 17 April 2013@06:00:58.
Catharine Roth (betacode and other cosmetics) on 2 January 2015@23:52:47.


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