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Headword: *leipomarturi/ou di/kh
Adler number: lambda,381
Translated headword: suit against a recalcitrant witness
Vetting Status: high
They [i.e. the Athenians] used to bring a lawsuit against those who knew something of what had happened and promised to give evidence in court, but later absconded; and if convicted, [the defendants] would pay an appropriate penalty;[1] but if the plaintiff failed to convict, an additional penalty of a drachma was paid.
Greek Original:
*leipomarturi/ou di/kh: toi=s e)pistame/nois ti tw=n pepragme/nwn kai\ marturh/sein u(pesxhme/nois e)n dikasthri/w|, ei)=ta de\ u(/steron a)po- fugou=sin e)la/gxanon di/khn: ka)\n me\n h(/lwsan, e)timw=nto kat' a)ci/an: ei) de\ mh\ e(/loi o( diw/kwn, pro/stimon e)ti/qeto draxmh/.
Same entry in Photius (lambda149 Theodoridis).
For an instance of such a suit see [Demosthenes] 49.18-21 (web address 1).
[1] That is, the suit fell procedurally into the category of those without fixed penalty (alpha 4364).
A.R.W. Harrison, The Law of Athens ii (Oxford 1971) 141-2
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 September 2001@09:05:02.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; added link; set status) on 7 November 2003@17:57:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 2 July 2004@07:50:53.
David Whitehead on 17 April 2013@05:28:36.


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