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Search results for lambda,33 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,33
Translated headword: flask, flagon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Lie there straightway for the Cyprian,[1] o drunken-stumbling flask, now dedicated, cousin of the nectar-sweet Bacchic goblet, moist-voiced, fellow banqueter at the fairly-distributed feast[2], narrow-necked one, daughter of the sharing token,[3] self-taught servant to mortals, sweetest initiator of lovers, readiest utensil of dinners."
Greek Original:*la/gunos: *ku/pridi kei=so, la/gune mequsfale/s, au)ti/ka dw=ron, kasignh/th nektare/hs ku/likos bakxei/as, u(gro/fqogge, sune/stie daito\s e)i/+shs, steinau/xhn, yh/fou sumbolikh=s qu/gater, qnhtoi=s au)todi/dakte dih/kone, mu/sti filou/ntwn h(di/sth, dei/pnwn o(/plon e(toimo/taton.
For this headword see already
lambda 32.
The present entry consists entirely of a poetic extract which uses it (in the vocative case): Marcus Argentarius in
Greek Anthology 6.248.1-6. For this Augustan rhetorican and epigrammatist see Gow and Page 2.166-67 (in the bibliography below) or, more briefly, OCD(4) p.148.
[1] Aphrodite, born in the sea off
Cyprus (
kappa 2738). See the
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite.
[2] An Homeric formula (
delta 128).
[3] This unparalleled and enigmatic expression seems (according to Gow and Page, 2. 178) to refer to the token (or pebble) that indicated the holder had contributed to the viands at a feast; in this boozy epigram, a bottle of wine. Argentarius has two other epigrams out of his 35 in the
Anthology addressed to his wine bottle: 9.229 and 9.246.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, The Greek Anthology, Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1968
Keywords: daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; mythology; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 27 July 2004@22:37:55.
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