Search results for lambda,320 in Adler number:
Headword: *leu/kh Adler number: lambda,320 Translated headword: white [disease] Vetting Status: high Translation:
In Herodotus [this means] a particular condition affecting the whole body.
Greek Original:
*leu/kh: para\ *(hrodo/tw| pa/qos ti peri\ o(/lon to\ sw=ma.
From glosses on Herodotus 1.138.1 (web address 1). A kind of mild leprosy (with which Hdt. couples it there) or elephantiasis, turning the skin white. For other references to it see LSJ s.v.
William Hutton (cosemtics, added links, set status) on 23 October 2003@11:54:36. David Whitehead (augmented note) on 24 October 2003@06:09:46. David Whitehead on 15 April 2013@07:33:28. Catharine Roth (upgraded one link, deleted the other) on 16 April 2013@01:51:49.