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Adler number: lambda,308
Translated headword: lounges
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Lounges are what they used to call certain public places in which many people with time to spare would sit.
Homer [writes]: "do you not wish to go to a smithy to sleep, or to some lounge?".[1] Kleanthes says that the lounges were set aside for Apollo, and that they were similar to saloons. [He] also [says that] Apollo himself is called, by some, Lounge-guardian.
Lounges" [are] also poems by Herakleides Pontikos, written in either Phalaecic or Sapphic metre.[3]
Greek Original:*le/sxai: le/sxas e)/legon dhmosi/ous tina\s to/pous, e)n oi(=s sxolh\n a)/gontes e)kaqe/zonto polloi/. *(/omhros: ou) qe/leis eu(/dein xalkh/i+on e)s do/mon e)lqw/n, h)e/ pou e)s le/sxhn. *klea/nqhs de/ fhsin a)ponenemh=sqai tw=| *)apo/llwni ta\s le/sxas, e)ce/drais de\ o(moi/as gi/nesqai. kai\ au)to\n de\ to\n *)apo/llw par' e)ni/ois *lesxhno/rion e)pikalei=sqai. *le/sxai kai\ poih/mata *(hraklei/dou tou= *pontikou=, me/trw| *falaiki/w| h)/toi *sapfikw=| grafe/nta.
The principal paragraph here comes from Harpokration s.v., commenting on Antiphon fr. 42 Sauppe; see also
Photius lambda209 Theodoridis.
lambda 309.
Odyssey 18.328-9 (web address 1).
[2] Kleanthes,
On Gods (fr.543 SVF).
[3] On Herakleides see generally
eta 463.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; epic; meter and music; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 December 2000@08:08:29.
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