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Search results for lambda,30 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,30
Translated headword: a hare [runs] for his life
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverb: for the hare [is] a cowardly animal. Hence a man from Rhegium was called a hare; for they used to satirize the people of Rhegium for cowardice. There is a proverb: 'the hare runs [to save] his life'. In reference to those taking risks with their lives and stoutly contesting something.[1]
Also a[another] proverb: 'the Carpathian [brought in] the hare'. In reference to those who are harming themselves; for the Carpathians, who lived on an island and had no hares, introduced them; when [the hares] proliferated, they ravaged the crops.[2]
Greek Original:*lagw\s peri\ tw=n krew=n: paroimi/a. deilo\n ga\r to\ zw=|on o( lagw/s. o(/qen kai\ o( *(rhgi=nos lagw\s e)le/xqh: kai\ ga\r tou\s *(rhgi/nous e)pi\ deili/a| e)kwmw/|doun. paroimi/a de/ tis e)sti/n, o( lagw\s th\n peri\ tw=n krew=n tre/xei. e)pi\ tw=n diakinduneuo/ntwn tai=s yuxai=s kai\ pro\s tou=to karterw=s a)gwnizome/nwn tattome/nh. kai\ paroimi/a: o( *karpa/qios to\n lagw/n. e)pi\ tw=n e(autou\s blapto/ntwn: oi( ga\r *karpa/qioi nh=son oi)kou=ntes kai\ lagwou\s ou)k e)/xontes e)phga/gonto: oi(\ polloi\ geno/menoi e)lumai/nonto tou\s karpou/s.
[1] =
Lexicon lambda24 Theodoridis; cf.
Zenobius 4.85 and other paroemiographers. For
Rhegion, in the toe-end of Italy, see
rho 120,
rho 121 (with the cowardice aspect),
rho 122. For the idiom 'for his life' compare
Frogs 191 (with Dover's note):
dou=lon ou)k a)/gw, ei) mh\ nenauma/xhke th\n peri\ tw=n krew=n.
[2] From
Rhetoric 1413a (and numerous subsequent authors):
kai\ ai( paroimi/ai de\ metaforai\ a)p' ei)/dous e)p' ei)=dos ei)si/n: oi(=on a)/n tis w(s a)gaqo\n peiso/menos au)to\s e)paga/ghtai, ei)=ta blabh=|, "w(s o( *karpa/qio/s", fasin, "to\n lagw/": a)/mfw ga\r to\ ei)rhme/non pepo/nqasin. See also
omicron 105 and
omicroniota 121.
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 2 February 2004@21:50:22.
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