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Adler number: lambda,3
Translated headword: with handles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] with touchings, or with pretexts, or with blame.[1]
But [sc. also also attested is the phrase] "bi-mouthed handles", [meaning] the ears of the mixing-bowl, or those which have openings on both sides; or because these [handles] are on both sides of the mouth [of the jar]; or those which have some kind of animal faces on both sides. "Crown their [tops] and their bi-mouthed handles." That is crown the head of the bowls also.[2]
[Note] that Bagoas the Egyptian slew Okhos the Persian and ate his flesh, but the bones he made into handles of knives.[3]
And elsewhere: "handles of philosophy", [i.e.] arithmetic and geometry.[4]
Greek Original:*labai=s, e)pafai=s, h)\ a)formai=s, h)\ me/myesi. *laba\s de\ a)mfisto/mous, ta\ w)=ta tou= krath=ros, h)/toi ta\s a)mfote/rwqen e)stomwme/nas: h)\ dia\ to\ e(kate/rwqen tou= sto/matos tau/tas ei)=nai: h)\ ta\s pro/swpa/ tina qhri/wn e(kate/rwqen e)xou/sas. w(=n kate/reyon kai\ laba\s a)mfisto/mous. toute/stin e)/reyon kai\ tw=n krath/rwn th\n kefalh/n. o(/ti *bagw/as o( *ai)gu/ptios e)/sfacen *)=wxon to\n *pe/rshn kai\ ta\ me\n kre/ata e)/fage, ta\ de\ o)ste/a maxairw=n ei)rga/sato laba/s. kai\ au)=qis: labai\ filosofi/as, a)riqmhtikh\ kai\ gewmetrikh/.
[1] The headword, a dative plural, appears with these or similar glosses in other lexica too (see the references at
Photius lambda2 Theodoridis); it must be quoted from somewhere (but not
lambda 226 =
tau 1197).
Oedipus at Colonus 473 (web address 1), and scholion. The scholiast's gloss implies the reading
kra=t' e)/reyon in preference to
[3] cf.
alpha 3201,
beta 15,
omega 284.
[4] Summary version of an aphorism of
Xenocrates (
xi 42,
xi 43) in
Diogenes Laertius 4.10: music, geometry and astronomy proffer "handles" by which to grasp philosophy.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; food; history; imagery; mathematics; medicine; meter and music; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 October 2003@01:17:57.
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