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Adler number: lambda,284
Translated headword: crag
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] headland.
But a
lepa/s ['limpet'] [is] a sort of mussel, affixed to the rocks, and very hard to yank off when someone wants to get hold of it.
Aristophanes is fond of the [word]
lepa/s. By insinuation: as a limpet [clings to] the rock, so the old woman to the youth.[1] And a limpet [is] a sort of fish.
Also in the
Epigrams: "you [Hermes] who inhabit this crag [
le/pas] frequented by fishing gulls."[2]
That is, a headland.
Greek Original:*le/pas: a)krwth/rion. *lepa\s de\ kogxuli/ou ei)=dos, o(\ tai=s pe/trais prosph/gnutai, dusapospa/stws e)/xon, e)peida/n tis au)tou= boulhqei/h labei=n. eu)epi/foros de\ e)sti\ tw=| lepa\s o( *)aristofa/nhs. par' u(po/noian, w(/sper lepa\s pe/tra|, ou(/tws h( grau=s tw=| meiraki/w|. lepa\s de\ ei)=dos i)xqu/os. kai\ e)n *)epigra/mmasi: o(\s to/de nai/eis eu)stibe\s ai)qui/ais i)xqubo/loisi le/pas. toute/stin a)krwth/rion.
This entry is concerned with two nouns spelled identically but accented differently.
[1] From the
scholia to
Wealth (
Plutus) 1096; cf. the
scholia to
Wasps 105.
Greek Anthology 6.23.1-2 (author unknown); cf.
alpha 4240,
beta 365.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; poetry; women; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 26 November 2002@15:02:13.
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