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Adler number: lambda,267
Translated headword: Leon, Leo
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Leo], emperor of [the] Romans; [nicknamed] the Butcher.[1] He seemed to be luckier than all the emperors before him and [to be] frightening to all who lived through his reign and [to any] of the barbarians themselves who had heard of him. At least, this is the reputation[2] he has left behind for the common people. But, as for me, says
Malchus,[3] I do not consider it luck, if one strips his subjects of their property, keeps slanderers continually on his payroll to accuse them, makes personal accusations whenever he cannot find someone else [to do it], and stockpiles the gold from all the earth to deposit only for his personal wealth, while causing the cities to be drained of the prosperous abundance which they had before so that they can no longer easily bear the tribute which they used to pay. And, to put it simply,
Malchus[4] maintains that he was a lodging-house of every villainy. At any rate [it was he] who also exiled Hyperechius the grammarian, and once too, when he declared that a food stipend be granted to Eulogius the philosopher, one of the eunuchs said that the funds would be appropriately spent on the soldiers, but Leo replied: "I wish it would happen in my lifetime that the [money] of the soldiers be provided to the teachers." In his time Acacius[5] was patriarch [sc. of Constantinople].
See also concerning his expenses under the entry "management."[6]
Greek Original:*le/wn, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn, o( *make/llhs: o(\s e)/doce tw=n pro\ au)tou= basile/wn a(pa/ntwn eu)tuxe/statos ei)=nai kai\ fobero\s a(/pasi toi=s te u(p' e)kei/nou th\n basilei/an telou=si kai\ tw=n barba/rwn au)tw=n, o(/sois ei)s fh/mhn a)fi/keto. kai\ tau/thn me\n toi=s polloi=s katale/loipe do/can. e)gw\ de/, fhsi\ *ma/lxos, eu)tuxi/an ou)k oi)=mai, ei)/ tis tw=n a)rxome/nwn ta\ o)/nta diasulw=n kai\ misqou/menos a)ei\ sukofa/ntas e)s tou=to kai\ kathgorw=n au)to/s, o(/te mh\ a)/llon a)nhu/riske, kai\ to\n xruso\n e)c a(pa/shs th=s gh=s sulleca/menos, e(autw=| mo/nw| kata/qoito, e)rh/mous me\n ta\s po/leis h(=sper e)/mprosqen ei)=xon eu)pori/as poih/sas, w(s mhke/ti tou\s fo/rous, ou(\s e)te/loun, du/nasqai met' eu)xerei/as a)penegkei=n. kai\ a(plw=s pa/shs kaki/as a)pisxuri/zetai o( *ma/lxos gene/sqai au)to\n katagw/gion. o(/s ge kai\ *(upere/xion to\n grammatiko\n e)fuga/deuse kai/ pote kai\ tw=| *eu)logi/w| tw=| filoso/fw| sithre/sion ei)pw\n doqh=nai, tino\s tw=n eu)nou/xwn le/gontos, o(/ti tau=ta ei)s stratiw/tas prosh/koi dapana=sqai, ei)=pen: ei)/qe ge/noito e)pi\ tou= e)mou= xro/nou, w(/ste ta\ tw=n stratiwtw=n ei)s didaska/lous pare/xesqai. e)pi\ tw=n xro/nwn au)tou= *)aka/kios e)ge/neto patria/rxhs. zh/tei kai\ peri\ dapa/nhs au)tou= e)n tw=| kexeiriko/tes.
[1] Leo I, ruled 457-74 AD. See Hugh Elton's
DIR entry at web address 1 for a discussion of his reign, with bibliography. See Blockley [below] for another translation of most of this entry (vol. 2: 409 & 411) and for a brief discussion of the Suda's use of
Malchus (vol. 1: 125), who is cited twice in this entry.
[2] The Greek word for "reputation" here,
do/can, links this statement clearly back to "he seemed" which is
e)/doce in the Greek.
[3] This, as well as the second mention of
Malchus below, indicates that much of this account goes back to him:
Malchus fr.2a Cresci. See note 1.
[4] See notes 1 and 3.
[5] See
alpha 783 and web address 2 (Catholic Encyclopedia) for more on Acacius.
[6] The entry for
xeiri/zw or
chi 245.
Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire. Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. 2 vols. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Abram Ring on 17 May 2005@14:55:47.
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