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Search results for lambda,264 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,264
Translated headword: Leokritos, Leocritus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "If anyone were to wing [K]leokritos with Kinesias, and the winds were to bear [them] over the sea's plain." Comedy makes fun of Kinesias for being very slender and for being an alien and a toady. Mention was made of the two of them as being like-minded. Or because Kinesias was slender, and [K]leokritos a scoundrel. So he is saying that if anyone were to encompass Kinesias with [K]leokritos instead of wings, so that they were carried in mid air, the outcome will be their death once they are airborne.
Greek Original:*lew/kritos. ei)/ tis pterw/sas *lew/kriton *kinhsi/a|, ai)/roien au)=rai pelagi/an u(pe\r pla/ka. w(s lepto\s w)\n sfo/dra o( *kinhsi/as kwmw|dei=tai kai\ w(s ce/nos kai\ w(s ko/lac. e)mnh/sqh de\ tw=n du/o w(s o(mofronou/ntwn. h)\ o(/ti o( *kinhsi/as lepto\s h)=n, o( de\ *lew/kritos moxqhro/s. fhsi\n ou)=n, o(/ti, ei) tis a)nti\ pterw=n *lewkri/tw| *kinhsi/an periba/loi, w(/ste fe/resqai metarsi/ous, sumbh/setai au)tou\s o)le/sqai a)eroforh/tous genome/nous.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; imagery; medicine
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 January 2007@10:41:34.
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