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Headword: *leonna/tos
Adler number: lambda,249
Translated headword: Leonnatos, Leonnatus
Vetting Status: high
A Macedonian general, related by birth to the mother of Philip,[1] but brought up with Alexander,[2] and a sharer in esteem by virtue of the appropriateness of his upbringing and his family and for both the size and the beauty of his body. Even while Alexander was alive his pride was excessive, and he openly displayed a sort of Persian softness when it came to the brilliance of his weaponry and the rest of his military preparations. But once Alexander had died his ambition set in: he likened himself to royalty as regards both loosening and tying up his hair and in the rest of his toilet, all of which he attended to in a near-Persian manner. Nisaean horses[3] (though some say from Phasis), all gold-bridled, were placed at the head of his rank, remarkable in their ornamentation. Attached to him also were magnificent tents and arms of exceptional beauty, and the corps of the companions[4] was in attendance.
Greek Original:
*leonna/tos, strathgo\s *makedoni/as, kata\ ge/nos prosh/kwn *fili/ppou mhtri/, suntrafei\s de\ *)aleca/ndrw|, kata\ to\ th=s trofh=s e)pith/deion kai\ tou= ge/nous kai\ kata\ me/geqos me/ntoi kai\ ka/llos tou= sw/matos timh=s metei=xen. o(/qen au)tw=| kai\ zw=ntos *)aleca/ndrou to/ te fro/nhma u(pe/rogkon h)=n kai/ tis a(bro/ths *persikh\ kata/ te th\n tw=n o(/plwn lampro/thta kai\ th\n a)/llhn di/aitan e)s th\n tw=n polemi/wn ou)k a)fanw=s e)pethdeu/eto. teleuth/santos de\ *)aleca/ndrou kai\ zh=lon e)poiei=to, ei)ka/zwn au(to\n pro\s ta\ basilika\ tw=| te a)fe/tw| kai\ a)neime/nw| th=s ko/mhs kai\ th=| a)/llh| kataskeuh=|, h(\ ou) pro/sw tou= *persikou= tro/pou h)/skhto au)tw=|. i(/ppoi te *nisai=oi, oi( de\ *fa/sidos a)/po, xrusoxa/linoi su/mpantes, proeteta/xato th=s ta/cews, e)kpre/pontes toi=s kallwpi/smasin. e)ph/gnunto de\ au)tw=| kai\ skhnai\ megaloprepei=s, kai\ o(/pla ka/llei u(perfe/ronta, ei(/peto kai\ to\ tw=n e(tai/rwn a)/ghma.
On this individual (c.358-322) see generally Malcolm Errington in OCD(4) s.v., with lots of important biographical detail ignored here. The present, overtly hostile, thumbnail-sketch comes from Arrian, History of Alexander's Successors fr.12 (= FGrH 156 F178).
[1] phi 354.
[2] alpha 1121.
[3] Nisaean (or more exactly Nesaean) horses were those of the Achaemenid Persian kings.
[4] The companions (e(tai=roi) were an élite cavalry company of the Macedonian army, made up of noblemen. See Malcolm Errington in OCD (4) s.v. "hetairoi".
Berve, Alexanderreich no.466
W. Heckel, The Marshals of Alexander's Empire 91ff
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 April 2008@04:39:43.
Vetted by:
Jennifer Benedict (added note, cosmetics, status) on 10 April 2008@06:41:07.
David Whitehead (typo; another note) on 10 April 2008@07:02:34.
David Whitehead on 4 April 2013@08:17:12.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@03:17:09.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 12 April 2020@23:08:48.
David Whitehead on 13 April 2020@06:15:17.


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