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Search results for lambda,232 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,232
Translated headword: dishes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
lekania and
lekanides]:[meaning] the larger, flat kind of saucers. "And give me a little dish of hare's flesh".[1] And
Aristophanes [also writes]: "give me a dish". "See, the evil is spreading: give me a dish," so that, nauseated by his nonsense, I can be sick; for his words fill me with bile.[2]
Greek Original:*leka/nia kai\ *lekani/des: ta\ mei/zona tw=n o)ceoba/fwn kai\ e)kpe/tala. kai/ moi leka/nion do\s tw=n lagw/|wn krew=n. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: do/te moi leka/nhn. i)dou=, xwrei= to\ kako/n: do/te moi leka/nhn, w(s nautiw=n u(po\ th=s e)kei/nou yuxrologi/as e)mh/sw: xolh\ ga/r moi e)piple/ei dia\ ta\ r(h/mata au)tou=.
In the Greek there are two plural headwords,
leka/nia (neuter) and
lekani/des (feminine); both of them, quoted from comedy, are diminutives of
lambda 230. See also
lambda 231.
Acharnians 1110, with scholion.
Clouds 907, with scholion; cf.
delta 1408.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; medicine; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 June 2009@06:59:27.
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