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Search results for lambda,220 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,220
Translated headword: lebetonarion, levitonarion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A monk's tunic, made out of hairs; [so called] in the native tongue of the Prousians.[1]
Greek Original:*lebhtwna/rion: xitw\n monaxiko/s, e)k trixw=n sunteqeime/nos: kata\ th\n e)gxw/rion glw=ssan tw=n *prousae/wn.
The headword is attested with various spellings --
leuitwna/rion -- and is apparently of Semitic origin (so E.A.
Sophocles s.v.).
Adler regards this entry as an interpolation from Symeon Metaphrastes (PG 116.45ab).
[1] The Pr(o)usians are the inhabitants of Pr(o)usa (cf.
alpha 4739,
delta 1240,
phi 364).
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; religion; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 April 2008@08:06:04.
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