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Search results for lambda,219 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,219
Translated headword: cauldron, basin
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A vessel for cooking.
It is also called a jar [
kados]. In the Holy Scripture the cauldron stands for punishment. And
Ezekiel called
Jerusalem a cauldron, those dwelling in [it] flesh, the Babylonian a fire, and the necessary sustenance a broth; when this has been used up, the flesh was burned up completely.[1]
Greek Original:*le/bhs: skeu=os mageiriko/n. le/getai de\ kai\ ka/dos. para\ de\ th=| qei/a| grafh=| o( le/bhs e)pi\ timwri/a| kei=tai. kai\ *)iezekih\l le/bhta e)ka/lese th\n *(ierousalh/m, kre/a de\ tou\s e)noikou=ntas, pu=r de\ to\n *babulw/nion, zwmo\n de\ th\n a)nagkai/an trofh/n, ou(= e)pileloipo/tos katekai/eto ta\ kre/a.
[1] Theodoret (PG 80, 1321a) on Psalm 59:10 LXX.
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; definition; food; geography; history; imagery; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 25 July 2003@09:19:25.
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