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Adler number: lambda,200
Translated headword: a natural Laispodias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning that he has a diseased shin. For Laispodias and Damasias used to be ridiculed for being bad-shinned.
Thucydides in [book] 8 says that this Laispodias was also a general.[1] He was also litigious. He also had certain things wrong with his shins, for which reason he used to wear his cloak [wrapped] round his legs. Alternatively, according to the dictionary of Ixion, [the headword means someone] of unrestrained sexual appetite, leading him to fuck [
spodein] even farm-animals.
Greek Original:*laispodi/as th\n fu/sin: a)nti\ tou= th\n knh/mhn e)/xei sapra/n: *laispodi/as ga\r kai\ *damasi/as w(s kako/knhmoi dieba/llonto. tou=ton de\ to\n *laispodi/an kai\ strathgh=sai/ fhsi *qoukudi/dhs e)n th=| h#. h)=n de\ kai\ filo/dikos. ei)=xe de\ kai\ peri\ ta\s knh/mas ai)ti/as tina/s: dio\ kai\ kata\ skelw=n e)fo/rei to\ i(ma/tion. h)\ w(s *)ici/wn e)n tai=s le/cesin o( a)krath\s peri\ ta\ a)frodi/sia w(/ste kai\ kth/nh spodei=n.
The headword phrase quotes
Birds 1569 ("are you a natural Laispodias?"; web address 1), and comment from the
scholia there follows.
[1] See
Thucydides 6.105.2 (web address 2) for Laispodias as one of the ten Athenian generals of the year 414/13 BCE. In book '8' (i.e. 8.86.9) he is attested as an envoy three years later: web address 3.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; medicine; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 July 2001@09:23:02.
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