*laidro/s: o( qrasu/s.
The headword adjective occurs in hellenistic poetry, e.g.
Callimachus and
Nicander, and it is similarly glossed in the
scholia to the latter (
Theriaca 689); see also
Hesychius lambda123 and lambda124. (Both of these
Hesychius entries also associate the word with
a)ristera/ or
a)ristero/s, one of several terms meaning 'left'; cf.
lambda 174,
lambda 193. Did the lexicographer searching
Hesychius or a similar author for
lai- words, associate the present adjective,
laidro/s with
laio/s, 'left', because they stood in proximity to one another?)
[1] The definite article before
qrasu/s seems only to identify it as masculine, nominative singular.
No. of records found: 1
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