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Search results for lambda,173 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,173
Translated headword: intending to lap
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] being eager to drink: for they,[1] being filled with blood and rushing because of thirst,[2] have their impulse in the spring.
See in more detail under a)pola/yeis ['you will lap up'].[3]
Greek Original:*la/yontes: e)piqumhtikw=s e)/xontes tou= piei=n: oi( ga\r ai(/matos e)mpeforhme/noi kai\ dia\ di/yan o(rmw=ntes e)n th=| krh/nh| e)/xousi to\ para/sthma. zh/tei platu/teron e)n tw=| a)pola/yeis.
The headword -- quoted from
Homer: see n.1 below -- is the future participle of
la/ptw (
lambda 119, and cf.
lambda 172), masculine nominative plural.
[1] Blood-sated wolves, in this simile from
Iliad 16.155-163, at 161.
[2] The suggestion (in the
scholia to the
Homer passage) seems to be that drinking blood induces thirst.
alpha 3379 (
Clouds 810, but not very helpful).
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; imagery; zoology
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 2 February 2005@17:46:44.
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