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Search results for lambda,170 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,170
Translated headword: portion, lot
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] part.
"[...] in which there was also a large portion of wild boar."[1]
They also say pro/laxos, [meaning] the first share.
And elsewhere in the Fables: "so this first portion" -- part -- "I will take."[2]
And elsewhere: "a portion of the sphere was mixed with dust."[3]
Greek Original:*la/xos: moi=ra. e)n oi(=s h)=n kai\ suo\s a)gri/ou me/ga la/xos. le/getai de\ kai\ *pro/laxos, h( prw/th meri/s. kai\ au)=qis e)n *mu/qois: tou=to me\n ou)=n prw=ton la/xos [me/ros] oi)/somai. kai\ au)=qis: sfai=ra de\ la/xos koni/hs e)mi/xqh.
Babyloniaca fr. 104 Habrich.
[2] Fragment of dactylic fable, included in appendix to Crusius' edition of
Babrius, p. 216. As to the glossing of 'portion' with 'part', Adler notes that Ruhnken adduced
Laws 5.745D.
[3] Quotation (in which, with Kuster, one should read genitive
sfai/ras for the transmitted
sfai/ra; cf. Crusius in his edition of
Babrius, p. 216) unidentifiable. Crusius doubted that this fragment belongs to a fable; perhaps it is part of a cosmogony.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; philosophy; poetry; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 January 2002@01:31:10.
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