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Search results for lambda,165 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,165
Translated headword: Lachares
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Lachares; of
Athens. Sophist. A pupil of Heracleon of
Athens;[1] he taught many pupils, among whom Eustephius,[2]
Nicolaus[3] and Asterius[4] are well-known. Floruit under the emperors
Marcianus and Leon. He wrote
On Colon, Comma and Period; informal discourses; a history according to
Rhetorical Selections (alphabetically arranged).
Lachares the sophist was rather slow of speech, but handsome and fine in appearance; as to virtue, he deserves to be called a philosopher rather than a sophist. He was an especially pious man, and having lost his sight he regained it.[6]
Greek Original:*laxa/rhs, *laxa/rous, *)aqhnai=os, sofisth/s: maqhth\s *(hrakle/wnos *)aqhnai/ou, dida/skalos de\ plei/stwn, e)ndo/cwn de\ *eu)stefi/ou kai\ *nikola/ou kai\ *)asteri/ou: a)kma/sas e)pi/ te *markianou= kai\ *le/ontos tw=n basile/wn. e)/graye *peri\ kw/lou kai\ ko/mmatos kai\ perio/dou, *diale/ceis, *(istori/an th\n kata\ *kornou=ton, *)ekloga\s r(htorika\s kata\ stoixei=on. o(/ti o( *laxa/rhs o( sofisth\s bradu/teros me\n h)=n pro\s tou\s lo/gous, kalo\s de\ kai\ a)gaqo\s th\n o)/yin: pro\s a)reth\n filo/sofos a)/cios kalei=sqai ma=llon h)\ sofisth/s. e)pei\ kai\ a)/llws qeofilh\s a)nh\r h)=n, o(/s ge ta\s o)/yeis a)pobalw\n pa/lin a)nekth/sato.
RE Lachares(3)=(4); PLRE II Lachares(2); LGPN ii s.v. no.4.
[1] PLRE II Heracleon; otherwise unattested.
epsilon 3750.
nu 394 and
nu 395.
[4] PLRE II Asterius (6).
[5] Perhaps 'a history ...;
Art of Rhetoric according to
Cornutus'. Graeven (1891) argued that the rhetorical treatise known as the
Anonymus Seguerianus is an epitome of a work by an early third-century rhetorician named
Cornutus, cited in Lachares'
On Colon, Comma and Period.
Life of Isidore fr. 140 Zintzen (84 Asmus); see in full at
sigma 799.
H. Graeven, 'Ein Fragment des Lachares', Hermes 30 (1891) 289-313
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 May 2002@21:55:03.
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