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Search results for lambda,140 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,140
Translated headword: lastaurokakkabon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is a particular food mentioned in
Chrysippus, in his [treatise]
On the Fine and Pleasurable; its preparation would be rather troublesome.
Greek Original:*lastauroka/kkabon: brw=ma/ ti e)sti para\ *xrusi/ppw| ei)rhme/non, e)n tw=| *peri\ kalou= kai\ h(donh=s: w(s a)\n th=s kataskeuh=s au)tou= ou)/shs periergote/ras.
Deipnosophists 1.9C [1.15 Kaibel]. For
Chrysippus see generally
chi 568,
chi 569
This compound term for an aphrodisiac foodstuff defies translation, but for the first of its components (implying effeminacy) see
lambda 141; and the second is "partridge" (associated with salaciousness in
Athenaeus and elsewhere).
Keywords: definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 July 2006@07:44:34.
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