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Search results for lambda,14 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,14
Translated headword: scraping a living
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [writes]:[1] "when [the allies] have perceived the [rest of the] rabble scraping a living out of a voting-urn[2] and munching on nothing."
Greek Original:*lagarizo/menon: *)aristofa/nhs: w(s h)/|sqhntai to\n su/rfaka e)k khqari/ou lagarizo/menon kai\ tragali/zonta to\ mhde/n.
eta 589,
lambda 12,
lambda 13,
tau 886.
[1] An approximation of
Wasps 673-74 (web address 1). Bdelycleon ("Loathes-Cleon") explains to his gullible father Philocleon ("Loves-Cleon") how the
Athens' imperial allies view the Athenian people living on their meager jurymen’s wages while the demagogue Cleon (
kappa 1731) and associates enjoy the tribute from the empire that should have been used to increase these wages. For comment on the vocabulary here, including the otherwise unattested
khqa/rion (literally, it seems, the lid of the voting urn), see MacDowell 224.
[2] Athenian juries of this era voted by dropping colored pebbles in an urn. For a thorough account of voting procedures in Athenian courts see Boegehold and the second link below.
Alan Boegehold, “Three Court Days” in Symposion 1990. Papers on Greek and Hellenistic Legal History. ed. Michael Gagarin. Cologne: Böhlau Verlag,. 1991 (web address 2)
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. MacDowell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; economics; food; history; imagery; law; politics
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 25 April 2004@19:04:35.
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