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Adler number: lambda,124
Translated headword: charcoal-scuttle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] something of wickerwork, basket-like or mat-like, in which coals are carried.[1] "This charcoal-scuttle is my [fellow-]demesman."[2] "Out of fear the scuttle squirted me thoroughly with coal dust just as cuttlefish do ink." For when they are pursued, cuttlefish emit the black that belongs to them, out of a desire to confuse the space around them so that they may be invisible to their pursuers.[3]
So a charcoal-scuttle [is] a container, a basket.[4]
Greek Original:*la/rkos: ple/gma ti kofinw=des h)\ yiaqw=des, e)n w(=| fe/rontai a)/nqrakes. o( la/rkos dhmo/ths o(/d' e)/st' e)mo/s. u(po\ tou= de/ous de\ th=s mari/lhs moi suxnh\n o( la/rkos e)peti/lhsen w(/sper shpi/a. a)nti\ th=s a)po\ tw=n a)nqra/kwn spodia=s e)pafh=ken o( la/rkos u(po\ a)gwni/as, w(/sper shpi/a to\n qolo/n. qhrw/menai ga\r ai( shpi/ai e)nafia=sin e)k tou= proso/ntos au)tai=s me/lanos, tara/ttein boulo/menai to\n par' au)tai=s to/pon, i(/na mh\ katafanei=s w)=si toi=s qhrw=si. *la/rkos ou)=n o( formo/s, o( ko/finos.
[1] From the
scholia to
Acharnians 333, here quoted: see next note. [The corresponding entry in Harpokration s.v. arises in the first instance from
Lysias fr. 139 Sauppe, now 192 Carey OCT, but goes on to cite
Acharnians.] In the play Dicaeopolis confronts a chorus -- a posse, we might say -- of charcoal burners from the large rural deme of
Acharnai, and staves them off by showing that he is holding as hostage a scuttle of charcoal, which he threatens to demolish.
Acharnians 333 (web address 1).
Acharnians 350-1.
[4] From the
scholia to this passage; cf.
epsilon 2095,
mu 196.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; geography; imagery; poetry; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 18 April 2009@19:18:06.
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