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Adler number: lambda,121
Translated headword: Larinian oxen, fatted oxen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the ones from Epirus, [named] after Larinus the oxherd who stole the oxen of Heracles -- as Lykos of
Rhegion [states] -- when [Heracles] brought the oxen of Geriones. But Proxenos [says] that Heracles himself dedicated some to Dodonian Zeus; and
Apollodorus for his part [says that] well-fed oxen [are called]
larinoi ["fatted"]; for [the verb]
larineuein means to feed up.[1]
Aristophanes in
Birds [writes]: "I am looking for some fatted verse, that will smash their morale." Meaning a large one; from a metaphor of oxen.[2] This name was taken from a certain oxherd [called] Larinos. But there are some who claim they are called this from the [word]
laron ["sweet"]. But others give the
ri syllable rough aspiration, so that it becomes
la-rhinous, those with big noses. In Chaonia they say there are oxen like that, which they also call Kestrinoi. Or [meaning] the big and well-fed oxen, [named] from an oxherd [called] Larinos. Herodian [says that the word] is accentuated on the final syllable, like
Greek Original:*larinoi\ bo/es: oi( e)n *)hpei/rw|, a)po\ *lari/nou bouko/lou kle/yantos ta\s *(hrakle/ous bou=s, w(s *lu/kos o( *(rhgi=nos, o(/te ta\s *ghruo/nou bou=s h)/laune. *pro/cenos de\ au)to\n to\n *(hrakle/a a)nei=nai/ tinas tw=| *dwdwnai/w| *dii/: *)apollo/dwros de\ au)= tou\s eu)trafei=s larinou/s. larineu/ein ga\r to\ siteu/ein. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi: zhtw= ti larino\n e)/pos, o(\ th\n tou/twn qrau/sei yuxh/n. a)nti\ tou= me/ga: a)po\ metafora=s tw=n bow=n. a)po\ *lari/nou tino\s bouko/lou tau/thn th\n proshgori/an e)sxhke/nai. ei)si\ de/ tines, oi(\ para\ to\ laro\n a)ciou=sin au)tou\s ou(/tw kalei=sqai. oi( de\ th\n ri sullabh\n dasu/nousin, i(/n' h)=| larinou/s, tou\s megalorri/nous. e)n de\ th=| *xaoni/a| fasi\ toiou/tous ei)=nai bou=s, ou(\s kai\ *kestrinou\s kalou=sin. h)\ oi( mega/loi kai\ eu)trafei=s, a)po\ *lari/nou bouko/lou. *(hrwdiano\s o)cuto/nws, w(s a)lhqino/s.
[1] (For this last sentence see already
lambda 120.) Same material in
Photius lambda97 Theodoridis. As indicated, it draws on a mix of historiographical sources: Lykos FGrH 570 F1; Proxenos of Epirus FGrH 703 F8;
Apollodorus FGrH 244 F287. See also
Deipnosophists 9.376B-C [9.18 Kaibel];
Sophron fr. 104 Kaibel, now 99 K.-A.
Birds 465-6, with scholion.
[3] From the
scholia to
Peace 925; Herodian 1.184.16.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; imagery; medicine; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: George Gazis on 4 May 2009@09:09:35.
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