A kind of drinking-vessel.[1] Also [sc. attested is the masculine] labrw/nios.[2]
*labrw/nion: ei)=dos e)kpw/matos. kai\ *labrw/nios.
The second vowel of this headword is properly omega, as here. LSJ register a variant
labro/nion in
Hesychius [lambda25], but in fact Latte there makes the correction.
[1] More fully in
Lexicon lambda9 Theodoridis: 'a kind of cup, wide in its structure, and having big "ears" (sc. handles).' He names
Menander but does not quote a passage. See in fact line 4 of fr. 24 Koerte, now 26 K.-A., and
labrw/nioi in fr. 437 Koerte, now 395 K.-A. Neither passage gives any indication of the physical form of the object, though in each instance it occurs in a list of drinking vessels. One imagines something like a
phiale (
phi 283,
phi 284) but with handles.
[2] (Addendum lacking in ms. A.) Likewise in
Canones 298.6. Besides this masculine and the neuter, a feminine
labrwni/a is also noted in
Commentary on the Iliad.
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