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Search results for kappa,950 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,950
Translated headword: martial
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of rhythm, to which they used to dance shaking their weapons. Or e)no/plios, the [metrical foot] long at both ends;[1] [the one] which is also called Kouretikos, because the songs made for the Kouretes always used this rhythm.[2]
Greek Original:*kateno/plios: ei)=dos r(uqmou=, pro\s o(\n w)rxou=nto sei/ontes ta\ o(/pla. h)\ e)no/plios, o( a)mfi/makros: o(\s kai\ *kourhtiko\s kalei=tai: a)po\ tou= a)ei\ ta\ ei)s tou\s *kou/rhtas gino/mena me/lh tou/tw| tw=| r(uqmw=| gi/nesqai.
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Keywords: comedy; definition; military affairs; meter and music
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 December 2005@23:51:41.
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