[Meaning he/she/it] fell asleep.
*kateda/rqh: katekoimh/qh.
Same or similar entry in other lexica: see the references at
Photius kappa413, where Theodoridis obelizes the transmitted headword
kateda/rqh -- i.e. aorist passive, third person singular, of
katadarqa/nw -- and supports Wyttenbach's emendation to
kate/darqe. For this cf. a scholion on
Apology 40D (where
kate/darqen occurs: web address 1).
The Attic aorist is
kate/darqon; in epic,
kate/draqon occurs (with a different treatment of original vocalic r); see
kappa 926. The aorist passive form is found in later writers (LSJ s.v.).
For this verb, see also
kappa 518.
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