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Search results for kappa,916 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,916
Translated headword: to betroth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to hand over.[1]
"[...] and to betroth to him his own mother in marriage; so to choose which he desired, of relationship and servitude, and easily to obtain what is reckoned to be better."[2]
Greek Original:*kateggua=n: paradido/nai. kai\ th\n au(tou= mhte/ra gunai=ka au)tw=| kateggua=n: ai(rei=sqai ou)=n, o(\ bou/letai, suggenei/as te kai\ doulei/as kai\ r(a|di/ws teu/cesqai tou= nomisqe/ntos a)mei/nonos.
cf. generally
epsilon 165,
epsilon 169.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica; see the references at
Photius kappa408 Theodoridis. The headword is possibly though not necessarily extracted from the quotation which follows; the other lexica do not have it.
[2] Quotation (and individuals) unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 August 2008@18:15:01.
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