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Search results for kappa,9 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,9
Translated headword: Kabyle, Cabyle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A place in Thrace, situated near the Taxos river,[1] in the centre of Thrace.
Greek Original:*kabu/lh: xw/ra th=s *qra/|khs, i(drume/nh pro\s tw=| *ta/cw| potamw=|, kata\ me/son th=s *qra/|khs.
This entry reproduces the bare bones of the equivalent one in Harpokration -- minus the sources cited there:
Demosthenes 8.44,
Theopompus FGrH 115 F205, and - for "situated...Thrace" -
Anaximenes FGrH 72 F12.
Stephanus of
Byzantium classifies it as a polis and cites
Polybius 13.10. See also
Strabo 7.6.2 (320): "above
Byzantium is situated the tribe of the Astai, in whose territory is a city [called] Kalybe (sic); there Philip the son of Amyntas settled men of the utmost villainy"; cf.
delta 1423.
For Kabyle, a.k.a. Diospolis, present-day Yambol in Bulgaria, see Barrington Atlas map 26 grid D6.
[1] Though 'Taxos' is the river-name given by all the lexica, it should actually be Tonzos (the present-day R. Tundja in Bulgaria).
RE s.v. "Kabyle"
F.W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius vol.2 (Cambridge 1967) 423
N.G.L. Hammond and G.T. Griffith, A History of Macedonia vol.2 (Oxford 1979) 557-559
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 25 June 2000@10:37:37.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added headwords, note, bibliography) on 22 September 2000@03:30:38.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 3 October 2004@10:56:28.
David Whitehead (augmented note and bibliography; tweaks and cosmetics) on 11 July 2011@03:39:00.
David Whitehead (typo) on 12 July 2011@03:33:57.
David Whitehead (another note) on 17 January 2013@09:20:43.
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