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Search results for kappa,877 in Adler number:
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Headword: *kataxu/smata
Adler number: kappa,877
Translated headword: outpourings, showerings
Vetting Status: high
It was a custom at Athens, whenever a newly-bought slave entered the house, for the master or mistress to pour a lot of dried figs and nuts over him; these they used to call outpourings. But they say that this also happened to those serving for the first time as envoys and cult-representatives, when they did this for the first time.
Greek Original:
*kataxu/smata: e)/qos h)=n *)aqh/nhsin, o(/te new/nhtos oi)ke/ths ei)sa/goito ei)s th\n oi)ki/an, to\n despo/thn h)\ th\n de/spoinan i)sxa/dwn kai\ karu/wn plh=qos kataxei=n au)tou=: a(\ kataxu/smata e)ka/loun. fasi\ de\ kai\ e)pi\ tw=n prw=ton presbeuo/ntwn kai\ e)pi\ tw=n qewrw=n tou=to gi/nesqai, o(/te prw=ton tou=to e)poi/oun.
Same entry in Photius (Lexicon kappa399 Theodoridis); similar material elsewhere.
See further under kappa 878.
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 July 2001@05:10:08.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 9 September 2003@22:55:49.
David Whitehead (added a keyword) on 10 September 2003@03:07:58.
David Whitehead on 6 February 2013@07:18:19.
David Whitehead on 29 April 2016@09:32:18.


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