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Search results for kappa,863 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,863
Translated headword: at hand
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They speak of water 'at hand' [
kata\ xeiro/s], not
kata\ xeirw=n or
e)pi\ xei=ras, or in any other way. And whatever is easiest and handiest of all, [this] they call 'water at hand'.
Teleclides in
Amphiktyons [writes] thus: "first of all there was peace, just like water at hand".[1]
"Boy, fetch a garland; [and] let someone fetch water
kata\ xeiro/s". And the [other speaker] says: "are we going to dine? Or what?". For in olden days garlands were draped around those feasting, shading the head from the fumes and heat of the wine.[2]
Greek Original:*kata\ xeiro\s u(/dwr le/gousin, ou) kata\ xeirw=n ou)d' e)pi\ xei=ras, ou)de\ a)/llws pws. kai\ to\ r(a=|ston pa/ntwn kai\ eu)xere/staton, kata\ xeiro\s u(/dwr kalou=sin. ou(/tws *thleklei/dhs e)n *)amfiktu/osin: ei)rh/nh me\n prw=ton a(pa/ntwn h)=n w(/sper u(/dwr kata\ xeiro/s. fe/re, pai=, ste/fanon: kata\ xeiro\s u(/dwr fere/tw ti/s. o( de\ le/gei: deipnh/sein me/llomen, h)\ ti/. to\ ga\r palaio\n toi=s eu)wxoume/nois perie/keinto ste/fanoi, katayu/xontes to\ krani/on a)po\ th=s tou= oi)/nou me/qhs kai\ qe/rmhs.
The first paragarph here comes from
Lexicon kappa393.
On this idiom see generally LSJ s.v.
xei=r, II.4.h, 'of washing the hands before meals'.
Teleclides fr. 1 Kock (1.2 K.-A.).
Birds 463-4 (web address 1), with scholion; cf.
sigma 1069.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 August 2008@05:35:05.
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