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Search results for kappa,831 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,831
Translated headword: overrunning
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] plundering, sacking.[1]
"With the Huns overrunning the Roman cities, [that] many cities came to their aid [...]".[2]
"[...] and for them to overrun the whole city, setting it on fire."[3]
Greek Original:*katatrexo/ntwn: lhi+zome/nwn, porqou/ntwn. tw=n de\ *ou)/nnwn ta\s *(rwmai+ka\s po/leis katatrexo/ntwn, polla\s parasth/sasqai po/leis. kai\ pa=san th\n po/lin purpolou=ntas katadramei=n.
[1] Participle(s) in the masculine genitive plural, the headword one presumably extracted from the first quotation which follows. For the verb
katatre/xw, cf.
kappa 832,
kappa 1006.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] Again, quotation (where the 'overrun' verb is this time the aorist infinitive,
katadramei=n) unidentifiable.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 August 2008@22:23:55.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented n.3; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 11 August 2008@03:13:05.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 6 February 2013@05:27:07.
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