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Search results for kappa,826 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,826
Translated headword: scarp
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hyperides in the [speech]
Against Demosthenes [writes]: "and sitting below by the scarp".[1] And
Philochorus [writes]: "and he inscribed [it] on the scarp of the rock".[2]
Greek Original:*katatomh/: *(uperi/dhs e)n tw=| kata\ *dhmosqe/nous: kai\ kaqh/menos u(poka/tw u(po\ th=| katatomh=|. kai\ *filo/xoros: kai\ e)pe/grayen e)pi\ th\n katatomh\n th=s pe/tras.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Suda) s.v.
The headword describes a structural feature of both the assembly-place (on the Pnyx Hill) and the Theater of Dionysos in classical
Athens. Lexicographical comment on it, exemplified here, is flawed by a failure to distinguish between the two.
Against Demosthenes 9, referring to D. himself.
Philochorus FGrH 328 F58 (another context altogether).
D. Whitehead (ed.), Hypereides, The Forensic Speeches (Oxford 2000) 392-394
Keywords: architecture; biography; definition; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 November 2000@04:35:44.
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