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Search results for kappa,765 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,765
Translated headword: to argue, to maintain, to prove
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In
Aristotle [sc. this verb means] demonstrating [something] in its entirety, but not denying what is being postulated. For
kataskeua/zein is applied especially to something being postulated positively.[1]
"Most/very lawless and most/very villainous when it came to the preparations of [ = for making] his friends".[2]
Greek Original:*kataskeua/zein: para\ *)aristote/lei to\ kaqo/lou deiknu/nai, a)lla\ mh\ a)nairei=n to\ tiqe/menon. ma/lista ga\r kataskeua/zein e)pi\ tou= katafatikw=s tiqeme/nou le/getai. a)dikw/taton de\ kai\ kakopragmone/staton peri\ ta\s tw=n fi/lwn kataskeua/s.
For this specialised sense of the headword verb
kataskeua/zein see generally LSJ s.v., 8 (
construct a positive argument).
[1] Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 150.1-3 Wallies.
Polybius 8.9.3, citing
Theopompus (
theta 172) on Philip II of Macedon (
phi 354).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; philosophy; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 August 2008@08:20:02.
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